PiCUS Media library

On this page you will find brochures and product information about our PiCUS wood testing systems.

PiCUS Wood testing Systems

PiCUS Sonic Tomograph

High-resolution sound measurement for the graphic representation of wood defects.

PiCUS TreeTronic

Electrical resistance tomograph for precise analysis of wood defects.

PiCUS TreeQinetic

Combined measurement technology for tensile tests on trees.

PiCUS TreeMotion

Wind reaction measurement of trees under real conditions.

PiCUS Calliper

The triangulation method is an accurate and at the same time fast method to determine the geometry of the measuring plane for sonic tomography.

PiCUS Tension

Simple assessment of drought stress in trees.

PiCUS Pricelist

Pricelist of Precise Measuring Technology for Tree Examinations and Defect Development Analyzes.